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【Master Programs】Industrial Economics

Industrial Economics


Industrial economics is the ministerial level key discipline of the Ministry of Transport. It was founded in 1956. In 1986, it was authorized to offer master’s program of transport economics, which was later renamed industrial economics. This discipline distinguishes itself by having the most features in maritime and port cluster industries.

The discipline emphasizes coordinated growth in teaching and learning supported by talent development, researches and community services. It plays a key role in the building of the international shipping center in Shanghai, by cultivating intellectual elite and conducting related researches. Its goal is to improve the professional knowledge and skills of its students and to enhance their value to both the local and global organizations and communities in shipping, logistics and other maritime and port industries.


The faculty of the program includes more than 16 full-time scholars (including 6 professors, 2 associate professors and 8 lecturers). In the past 10 years, our researchers have published over 30 books and over 300 theses. They have also frequently awarded by the government for their devotion in academic achievements and technological improvements. They have conducted and are participating in projects that provide theoretical foundation for government decision makers, and hence bring benefits to economics and social well-being.


Program Objectives

This program aims to educate talents for academic research in specialized areas of shipping, logistics and other maritime and port-related industries.


Areas of research interests include:

- shipping, logistic economics and finance

   This specialized program fosters students’ research skills in microeconomics and industrial economics, encouraging their individual development with affluent academic and social resources. Main research subjects include: shipping economics, port economics, shipping finance, port cluster development, marine industrial cluster development, shipping industry development, shipping and regional development, port industry development, construction of shanghai international shipping center, logistic economics, logistic finance and logistic industry development, etc.


- statistics in shipping and logistic economics

The program is applied knowledge-oriented, nurturing both practical abilities and theoretical foundations of the student. It aims to analyze topics in shipping, logistic and other maritime and port-related industries from statistical and econometrical perspective.


- marine industry economics

   Main research subjects include: marine economics, marine industry development, cruise economics and cruise industry development.