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The SEM earns AACSB international accreditation

The School of Economics and Management of Shanghai Maritime University earns AACSB international accreditation

On July 29, 2014, the School of Economics and Management of Shanghai Maritime University officially became a member of AACSB (Association of Elite Collegiate Schools of Business). In April 2020, the AACSB certification First Self-Assessment Report (iSER) of our hospital was passed. On May 4, 2023, AACSB issued an official announcement that the School of Economics and Management officially passed the AACSB accreditation for a period of five years, after being voted by its Initial Accreditation Committee and approved by the Board of Directors. Up to now, only 5% of business schools in the world have been accredited by AACSB, and the school has become the 43rd business school in Chinese mainland to obtain AACSB international accreditation, and the first business school in China to pass AACSB accreditation among sea-related universities.