上海海事大学滴水湖经济与管理论坛第159期:Neglected Forms of Dispositional Variable-Employee Outcome Relationship

主题:Neglected Forms of Dispositional Variable-Employee OutcomeRelationship

主要内容:In examining the effect of a dispositional variable on an employeeattitudinal or behavioral outcome, management researchers usually assume theeffect is stable over time. We argue that there are at least two morealternative possibilities concerning how a dispositional variable can affect anemployee’s job outcome. For each possibility, the conceptual meaning of theeffect and analytical methods involved are different. Using the effect of fourobjective variables (i.e., gender, age, education, and organizational tenure)and four abstract trait emotions (i.e., happiness, sadness, depression, anddisgust) on job satisfaction as examples, we illustrate the existence of thethree possibilities. Implications for theory building and testing in managementstudies are discussed.



专长和学术成就:黄炽森教授在国际学术杂志、学术会议及专书中已发表关于管理及教育的著作超过一百八十余种。其2002 年以中国企业的劳资信任为题的论文更被有超过四十年历史的Anbar 数据库 (Emerald Management Review) 评为当年全球发表的二万多篇与管理有关的论文中最优秀的五十篇之一;2009 年关于“外资企业如何在中国大陆起用本土人才“的论文被美国管理学会选为当年关于国际人力资源管理领域中最优秀的五篇论文之一。黄教授担任多份主要学术期刊的编辑委员,包括《管理学会》杂志、《国际商务期刊》、《组织和职业心理学》杂志、《亚太管理》杂志及《世界商业》杂志。除了私营企业外,黄教授亦曾为联合国、世界银行、中国大陆、台湾及香港政府的不同单位撰写政策建议及顾问报告。


时间:2021-04-29 09:00:00


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