主题:International Trade Flow and Optimal Capacity of Global LogisticsDistribution Centers along the Belt and Road
主要内容:The Belt and Road Initiative since 2013 in tandem with China’s global “going-out” strategyhave promoted the ports supply chains (PSC) development along the Belt and Road(B&R). Arguing that the PSC has promoted strategic motivation to establishglobal logistics distribution centers (LDC) along B&R, Lee et al. (2021)proposed eight global LDCs based on the concepts of “centrality” and“intermediacy” as well as major criteria such as geographical characteristics,transportation networks and regional markets. This presentation attempts toestimate international trade flow in terms of container TEUs and to decideoptimal capacity of LDCs along the B&R.
专家姓名:Paul Tae-Woo Lee(李太雨)
专家简介:Paul Tae-Woo Lee is currently a Professor of Maritime Transport andLogistics and the Director of Maritime Logistics and Free Trade IslandsResearch Centre at Ocean College, Zhejiang University in China. He holds a PhDdegree from Cardiff University in UK. Paul is currently Professor of MaritimeTransport and Logistics and Director of Maritime Logistics and Free TradeIslands Research Centre at Ocean College, Zhejiang University in Zhoushan,China. He awarded High-Talent Professor of Zhejiang Province in 2017. He wasVisiting Scholar at Faculty of Economics and Politics in University ofCambridge in UK, MPA Visiting Professor at Nanyang Technological University,Singapore, and Visiting Professor at PhD Logistics Program in ChulalongkornUniversity, Thailand. He is also a regular speaker at internationalconferences, including the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), UnitedNations Development Programme (UNDP), UN Economic and Social Commission of Asiaand the Pacific (UNESCAP), ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement,China Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Supply Chain Asia (Singapore), andVietnam Academy for Social Sciences (VASS). Professor Lee has publish