上海海事大学滴水湖经济与管理论坛第171期:Bank Loan Announcement Effects—Evidence from a Comprehensive 8-K Sample

题  目:Bank Loan Announcement Effects—Evidence from aComprehensive 8-K Sample


时  间:2021.11.24 14:00-15:00

地  点:经管学院 335

Abstract:Using a comprehensive sample of over 10,000bank loan announcements identified from 8-K filings during 1994-2018, we showthat the positive announcement effect of bank loans has not disappeared overtime. The positive announcement effect is stronger when deals are moreimportant and reveal positive news about firms' financial conditions, whenlenders have higher credit ratings, and when the credit market condition istight. The results are robust after adjusting the differences of borrower sizedistributions between announced and unannounced loans. Our findings suggestthat lenders convey private information about firm value to the market throughthe announcements of loan terms.


她的研究领域主要集中在资产定价的理论和实证研究。她的研究方向涉及股票、债券、期权以及信用衍生品的定价。近年来,她对中国金融市场和科技金融领域也进行了广泛深入的研究。她的研究发表在国际国内一流期刊上,包含Management Science (2篇), Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Empirical Finance,《管理科学学报》,《中国工业经济》,《金融研究》等。

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