上海海事大学滴水湖经济与管理论坛系列讲座第204期:Diffusing Green Innovations in Social Networks via Word of Mouth

报告主题:DiffusingGreen Innovations in Social Networks via Word of Mouth



报告形式:腾讯会议: 568-378-972


Motivatedby the automobile industry's practice of diffusing green cars (i.e., Tesla'sgreen viral marketing campaign), this study investigates innovative greenproduct diffusion via word-of-mouth (WOM) in social networks. Specifically, weconsider a pricing problem of launching a new green product to a market withgreen/gray consumer segmentation in presence of an old and competitivenon-green product. Differentiating from the literature, we use the percolationmodel to characterize the diffusion process and focus on investigating the roleof network structures, especially network connectivity, in green productdiffusion via WOM. By analyzing a main model with the non-green product at anexogenous price, we find the choice of using WOM (or advertising) tosuccessfully diffuse green products relies on network connectivity, and alsodevelop comparative statics of the optimal price and market share of greenproducts with respect to network connectivity. Moreover, we extend the mainmodel by incorporating government subsidy and dual product competitive pricing,and find the role of network connectivity will not change under subsidy,however, can change under dual product competitive pricing. Our resultshighlight the importance of acquiring knowledge of network structures oftargeted markets when designing WOM campaigns.


洪兆富,西北工业大学管理学院,教授、博士生导师。主要研究方向为绿色供应链管理、平台商业生态与合作机制设计、运营管理与营销等方向的交叉研究。他长期聚焦可持续运营管理研究领域,系统地研究了绿色产品的设计、口碑营销、生产计划、库存管理、定价决策、再制造管理等绿色供应链管理问题,提出了一系列绿色供应链管理的优化策略与方案。近年来,他关注企业在经济和社会层面的可持续发展问题,研究企业商业系统的合作机制设计问题。主持多项国家自然科学基金项目,主要研究成果发表在 European Journal of Operational Research、Omega、Transportation Research Part E、International Journal of Production Economics、International Journal of Production Research  等运营管理领域国际主流期刊。获得ESI高被引论文(top 1%)和ESI热点论文(top 0.1%)奖、美国电子与电气工程师协会相关会议的最佳应用论文奖(法国巴黎)、European Journal of Operational Research审稿杰出贡献奖、甘肃省社会科学优秀成果奖等学术奖励;获甘肃省高校青年教师成才奖等。

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