上海海事大学滴水湖经济与管理论坛系列讲座第206期:Role of Traceability and Government Inspections on Deterring Adulteration in Competing Farming Supply Chains

报告主题:Role of Traceability and Government Inspectionson Deterring Adulteration in Competing Farming Supply Chains.





Food adulteration poses a serious threat topublic health. This paper develops a modeling framework to examine whethersupply chain traceability and government inspection can effectively deteradulteration. We study the adulteration behavior of farmers in two competingsupply chains, one is traceable and the other is not, each consisting of onefarm and one retailer. The farmers in each supply chain have incentive toengage in adulteration to increase the perceived quality of the output. Thegovernment, who conducts sampling tests on products sold by the retailers, willimpose a penalty if adulteration is caught. For the traceable supply chain, theadulteration farm can be precisely targeted and will be penalized; while forthe untraceable supply chain, the penalty can only be imposed on the retailer.We fully characterize the equilibrium adulteration behavior for farms in bothtypes of supply chains and analyze how traceability cost, initial qualitydifference and government penalty jointly impact the equilibrium adulterationbehavior. Our results show that supply chain traceability may inadvertentlyinduce the farmer to adulterate when the traceable supply chain has acompetitive advantage over the untraceable one. Under this circumstance, thetraceable farmer adulterates to intensify the competitive advantage, and getextra profit even the government penalty will be posed on him directly. Theresults highlight the limitation of relying on traceability and retailer-endinspection to deter adulteration in a competitive environment. Our empiricalanalysis with sample testing data on Chinese agricultural market further validatesthe results of our theoretical model.



周伟华,浙江大学管理学院教授、博士生导师,斯坦福大学访问学者。现任浙江大学数据分析和管理国际研究中心主任。获教育部新世纪优秀人才、浙江省151人才第一层次、浙江省之江青年学者、浙江大学求是青年学者(首批)、“仲英”青年学者等人才项目支持。主要研究聚焦于数据分析和管理、供应链管理研究。研究成果在国际管理科学顶级刊物《Operations Research》、《Management Science》、《Production and Operations Management》等发表,共发表国内外学术论文50余篇。主持国家自然科学基金重大项目课题、重点课题、科技部重点研发计划项目课题等国家级研究课题7项,国家部委、各级政府及企业项目20余项。

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